How to Make Delicious Japanese Tea
The flavor of Green Tea differs according to how it is made. This includes the temperature of the hot water and the brewing time. More important are the feelings of the person who finally drinks the Tea. Try to relax when you drink the Green Tea, to optimize your Tea drinking experience.
In the case of Sencha (deeply-steamed Tea)

Fill a tea cup eighty percent full with boiling water. (For fine quality Tea, the temperature should be 70 degrees centigrade, for normal Tea it should be 90 degrees. In the case of fine quality Tea, cool the hot water. The hotter the water, the stronger the flavor.)

Place the Tea Leaves in the teapot. Add 60cc of hot water for each person to 2-3 grams of Tea Leaves. (Please adjust according to your preference.)

Pour the boiled water into the teapot and wait for 40 to 50 seconds for the Tea to infuse. (For the second infusion, please wait ten minutes after adding hot water.)

Add an equal quantity of tea and stir taking care not to create too deep a color and use all the Tea to the last drop. The temperature that produces the best results is 50 to 60 degrees centigrade.

The mouthful of Tea that contains the most flavor is that very last drop.
It is referred to as the Golden Drop. In other words, it is no exaggeration to say that the flavor of the Tea is defined by its last drop.
Infuse the Tea at an appropriate temperature and enjoy that last Golden Drop.
This process is important to create the most delicious Tea.
In the case of Genmaicha,Houjicha(Bancha)

Place the Tea Leaves in the teapot. Add 60cc of hot water for each person to 2-3 grams of Tea Leaves. (Please adjust according to your preference.)

Pour the boiled water into the teapot and wait for 30 seconds for the Tea to infuse.
(Please add extra water quickly for a second infusion.)
Boiling water is recommended to produce the best flavor.

Add an equal quantity of tea and stir, using the very last drop. The temperature that produces the best results is 75 degrees centigrade.
Cold Tea (Cold Tea Made in Teapot)

Please add an extra large amount of Tea Leaves to two to three cubes of ice in the teapot.
(Fine, strong Tea, like deeply-steamed tea, gives the best results. )
As a guide add 200g of hot water to 5g of Tea Leaves.

Add water to the teapot.
Rotate the water in the pot and wait for three minutes.
(Using water takes longer than hot water. However, it suppresses bitterness and brings out the flavor.)

Add Tea to a glass filled with ice.
Add it to glass until the strength is equal.
Don’t forget to pour out the Tea until the last Golden Drop.